Our CWL members and friends are proud of our “Freda Smith Bursary”. However, many people ask who is Freda Smith and why is there a bursary in her name? Today, our Diocesan Executive Chairperson for Health and EducaHon answers these questions!

FREDASMITH 1901-1999

Mrs. Freda Smith was a long time member of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. The League was a huge part of her life and she rarely missed a meeting of her own Council, Diocesan Interim Meetings and/or Conventions at all levels. Freda was always supportive of other Councils and Parishes, by attending functions and special events whenever possible. Over the years she was Parish President many times and served on the Executive in many capacities. She also served on the Diocesan Executive and as Provincial Secretary.

Freda became a Life Member of the Catholic Women’s League in 1958.

Never at a loss for words she would always have sage advice on any issue which she referred to as “just common sense”.

She came to Canada with her husband Arthur in 1926, and settled in Regina, Saskatchewan and worked on the farm, being chief cook and helper. Freda was always interested in promoting education whenever possible. At that time the Sisters of Service looked after catechism and religious education in the rural areas by correspondence. Freda worked very closely with them packaging and mailing out lessons and marking them when they were returned. It was there that she joined the Catholic Women’s League.

In the early 1940’s Arthur Smith joined the Navy and the family moved to Victoria. Upon arrival they joined Queen of Peace Parish in Esquimalt, B.C. and soon became very involved in all church activities. For over 49 years Freda was the organist at Queen of Peace Parish on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday and also played many weddings, funerals and other special occasions. She retired at age 85.

Freda and Arthur were blessed with two daughters, who both attended St. Ann’s Academy in Victoria. Freda developed a very close relationship with the Sisters of St. Ann and through the years the Smith home became a “home away from home” for many students from outlying areas who wished to attend St. Ann’s. Many families with varying difficulties were helped by Freda and she was always happy to assist mothers with their new babies. Freda was generous with her talents and was very active in her support for the Missions around the world.

The Victoria Diocesan Catholic Women’s League is proud to dedicate our Bursary

in Memory of Freda Smith

Health & Education Communiqué #1

Health & Education Communiqué #1

I am sure that by now you will have received the Water Challenge Pledge Forms so this is just a reminder to encourage your Council Sisters to complete the pledge forms before the deadline of 30 June 2019.  In North America we have not had to worry about the amount of water available but it is time we started.  Water shortages are becoming more and more frequent and, if the trend to more forest fires in the summer continues, we may have to strictly conserve our water supplies.